TTASW Social Work Awareness Walk

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August 26, 2016 @ 2:30 pm – August 28, 2016 @ 5:30 pm
Queens Park Savannah, Port of Spain
Queen's Park Savannah
Queen's Park East, Port of Spain
Trinidad and Tobago
TTASW Social Work Awareness Walk @ Queens Park Savannah, Port of Spain | Port of Spain | Port of Spain | Trinidad and Tobago

The Trinidad and Tobago Association of Social Workers (TTASW), a non- profitable organization, wishes to invite you and your organization to join us at our Social Work Awareness Walk. This event will start on Friday 26th August 2016 at 2:30pm and end on Sunday 28th August 2016 at 5:30pm. The proposed route is scheduled to begin from the Brian Lara Promenade (opposite Central Bank), proceeding onto Frederick Street up to the Queen’s Park Savannah.

Mr. Earl Daniel, a Social Worker from Canada, will be leading this Awareness Walk for three (3) consecutive days around the Queen’s Park Savannah. As a social work advocate, he is known for highlighting social issues through raising community and societal consciousness and their responsibility to care.

This walk will also serve to sensitize the public to the needs of organizations such as: the coalition against domestic violence, diabetic association and persons living with lifestyle diseases, the differently abled, and other stakeholders with a view to encourage a more positive attitude from the society.

Mr. Daniel has previously walked for eight consecutive days in New York, challenging the Guinness World Records for the longest walk. He has, also, walked in other countries including St. Lucia, Grenada, St. Vincent, Barbados and Jamaica. He is recognized throughout the Caribbean for his non-conventional ways of highlighting social issues through walking and dancing for a cause (

To make this event successful, we are seeking support from organizations like yours. We are very hopeful that you will extend your generous support to the TTASW by joining us on this walk as we raise community awareness.

Please contact 465-7932 or to confirm your willingness to join us and the time and date your organization will be participation. Mr Earl Daniel will be walking for 3 consecutive days, so unconventional times are welcomed too.

Kind regards

Sharon Francis-Gaines

Vice President